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Internet of Things (IOT) What is IoT? What does it mean? This is the new term which is gradually gaining a lot of popularity and has become a part of our life.

IOT stands for the internet of things, to start with the first query. The Internet of Things refers to physical items used to gather and share data via a network connection.

A few examples of physical objects that have electronics, software, and sensors embedded in them are cars, buildings, devices, and other objects.

How is IoT useful and how is it gaining a lot of importance is a matter which one must look upon. IoT helps to revolutionize our lives in major ways some of which is been expressed as follows:

Efficient and real-time operations

The ability to connect devices to the Internet helps to bolster the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations with a real-time approach.

Opportunities to improvise business skills.

Along with the efficiency and effectiveness, we get an advantage from the out-of-the-box approach which gives us new ideas and methodologies to increase revenue streams.

Availability of data with the just-in-time approach.

With the availability of data, a wide range of techniques become available to help improvise creativity in the existing pattern of working thus helping to provide solutions just in time by surfing on the internet.

Improvise public relations through social media.

Public relations and marketing methods have started adopting the means of the internet like Whatsapp and Facebook thus staying connected with social circles. IoT has its advantages as well as disadvantages too.

Since we have landed up visiting through the advantages of IoT thus we should have a look at the disadvantages of the same too. Some of them are expressed below:

Cyber security and privacy concerns.

Devices connected through a network are vulnerable to thieves who hack the online data and steal sensitive information thus thereby hacking the private data.

Increase of virtual interactions than personal interactions. Dependency on gadgets and machinery.  

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