
A very recent report revealed that India will soon be flooded with job applicants with no requirements in the market. These people will mostly be fresh pass-outs (engineering, MBAs, and graduates) with limited or no skill set. Most of them lack in any core expertise. Their degrees and certificates do not match with the knowledge level required for employment. Lack of in-depth knowledge, clarity of thought, and limited exposure to industry practices makes them diffident in nature. Shocking Skill Gap Differences According to the survey Talent Shortage Survey conducted over 42,000 employers globally, 40% are experiencing difficulties filling roles; the highest level since 2007. About 48% of Indian employers report difficulties filling job vacancies due to talent shortages. Since the skills needs are changing rapidly, employers are looking within their own organisations for solutions. About 36% of Indian employers prefer to develop and train their own people. In the IT sector, businesses are reporting a lack of soft skills (36%) and looking for more pay than what is offered (34%). These are the two top reasons that employers in India are finding it difficult to fill up the positions. According to the Software industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) of the 400,000-odd engineering graduates who pass out every year, only 20 % is capable enough to meet the requirements of the Indian industry. The rest need further training (this applies to both core skills and soft skills) before businesses could find a use for them. Given this background, one would expect that fi rms would invest in in-service training. But the World Bank India Country Strategy 2009–2012 (World Bank 2010) report says something that quite contrary to this. The report says that in-service training is received by only 15% of workers in the manufacturing sector, a figure much lower than what is observed in many countries, with the inadequate availability of training capacity being one of the major reasons for this. The primary challenge is to increase the number of skilled persons in the workforce. Need for Skill-Based Training Most of the formal skills-related training in the government apparatus happens through the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and the Industrial Training Centres (ITCs), which come under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. The Ministry of Human Resource Development provides support to polytechnics for engineering disciplines. Many of the ITIs have now been brought under the PPP route with the private partner responsible for the management of the institution. The goal is to get all 1,396 ITIs under the PPP mode. Through private sector participation, 400 others it is are being transformed into centers of excellence. Informal skills-related training, including that in the traditional arts and crafts of India, is also supported through different government schemes. The Ministry of Textiles has a number of institutional partners to develop skills required in the textiles, apparel, and handicraft sectors. The Ministry of Medium, Small, and Micro Enterprises has programs that run good-quality tool rooms and other training programs through the Khadi and Village Industries Commission. The Ministry of Labour has developed the modular employable skills training scheme to enable vocational training providers to conduct short-term courses that are employment-linked. All states have set up Skill Development Missions and some have even put together a strategy to equip millions of persons with skills over the next few years. Many PPP models have been put forth and bids invited to engage the private sector in skill development. Skill development, followed by skill assessment Evaluation of knowledge and skillsets is as much important as skill enhancement. Job aspirants need ready access to academic resources or mock test sheets to prepare for competitive exams and interviews. PixelBenchmarks is one such place where students/job aspirants can download and solve test papers. They can time themselves and pay for only what they need. Not only does, PixelBenchmarks give users the liberty to pick and buy mock tests for subjects of their choice, but also academic practitioners, teachers, tuition providers, and trainers to get the right return for their hard-earned mock test banks. If skill enhancement is on your mind, make sure you enroll for the best one. Choose from thousands of institutions, colleges, and training centers listed in EducationBengal. The one-stop portal for all your academic queries is a product of Pixel Solutionz. EducationBengal gives you authentic and reliable information on academic and vocational institutions, and academic resource providers in Bengal and beyond.